Med Spa Accelerator Podcast

# Welcome everyone to the Med Spa Accelerator Podcast! Brought to you by Everable Marketing! We’re excited to bring this podcast to you where we’ll be discussing the latest hacks and best practices in marketing and running a profitable medspa. **ABOUT EVERABLE:** We Partner With You To Create 7 Figure Med Aesthetics Practices My name is Luis Trevino and I’ve been where you are. I’ve built and ran a few 7 figure businesses and have been stressed out, overworked, and hanging on by a thread. Despite that, I still love what I do and like you, it was never about the money – it was the passion that drove me towards helping others. However, even if your financials look great, there’s something to be said about the number of hours you work each week…and the emotional toll it’s taking on your family and loved ones. **JOIN OUR EXCLUSIVE FB GROUP:** **LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST:** The Med Spa Accelerator Podcast Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you’re not, we...

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Thursday Aug 11, 2022

It's time to talk numbers. In this episode, we discuss why you should know and understand your medspa's financials, what they look like, and how they impact your business's growth.
The funny thing about business is that it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day operations. But at the end of the day, you need to give yourself the time to review your numbers so you can reach your goals, set up expectations, or even go through a crisis.
Sit down with us as we go through:
👉🏻 The reasons why it's so important
👉🏻 When and how to review your numbers
👉🏻 Which numbers should you be paying attention to
👉🏻 How to interpret them so you can course correct

Thursday Jul 28, 2022

Are you ready to craft your own competitive advantage?
In a market where new medspas/dental practices come out every single day, with the same services, same technologies, and even the same prices, it is hard to stand out from the competition.
In this new podcast episode, we talk about how marketing isn't about who can come up with the most creative or entertaining ad, but about who can solve your ideal client's problems best.
By understanding who your market is and talking to them directly, you will be able to differentiate yourself from your competition and tell a story that resonates deeply with your ideal client.
Join us in this new episode of the [NAME] podcast as we work on how to craft your business’s competitive advantage and unique value proposition.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

Do you want to have a new competitive advantage in your Medspa?
In this episode, with CEO, Douglas Jacke, and with the inventor and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Oliver Di Pietro we discuss the Dream Body System, a Med Spa Health Solution to add as a competitive advantage, and open your business to a new audience and more revenue.
In our conversation, we discuss how the Dream Body System 's mission is to bring this unique brand of health care to the more than the 100 million Americans in desperate need of a health reset.
This new medical innovation for rapid weight loss without drugs or surgery has taken Europe by storm, and rapidly making its way into the U.S.
Listen to the complete episode to understand how this new service can impact your Medspa, and how it can help you improve the weight loss results of your clients. Our guests explain their patented system and the results they are having,
Take out pen and paper, listen to the Dream Body System Episode and if you are interested in this highly recommended service please contact us, and we will give you access to an exclusive free webinar with them.

Thursday Jun 30, 2022

Imagine being able to connect with an audience that's passionate about what you do. Before you know it, you'll be able to reach more people, sell more products and services, and transform your business into a brand
Join us in this podcast episode as we talk about why we are so passionate about building brands and how transforming your business into your brand will help you establish credibility, differentiate from the competition, and leave a lasting impression.
How to Stand Out from the Competition: Medspa Accelerator Podcast Facebook Group:

Thursday Jun 16, 2022

As we start seeing symptoms of an upcoming recession, we must sit down for a second and think how we can protect our business. In this episode, we talk about two very important things we need to pay attention to: our mindset as entrepreneurs and actionable items you can do to prepare your business. 
There are different ways to navigate a crisis and even though we cannot control it all, as much as we'd like to, we can always find opportunity in chaos. 
Join us as we Crisis-Proof our business and talk about all the things we CAN do to prepare. 

Friday May 27, 2022

No-shows suck! But it a reality that happens way more often than we would want. They cost us money and time! But it's all part of this game we call 'being in business.' However, there are ways and strategies that we can use to reduce our no-show rate. And little by little, we can increment the chances of our clients / patients to show to their appointment. Join us in this podcast episode as we discuss ten effective ways to reduce no-show rates and what you can do when it happens.

Thursday May 12, 2022

Business owners, get ready because, in this episode, we talk all about the four fundamentals any business should focus on for continuous growth and health. We discuss how to view your business systematically and how these four S's function to operate and make a good business better. Sit down with us as we think strategically about Sales, Systems, Service & Staffing.

Thursday Apr 28, 2022

Have you ever felt like there are so many things happening at once within your business, you want to make sure that it keeps growing, but you just feel like you can't?
In this episode, our hosts talk about how being overwhelmed is more of a symptom than a condition. Our job is to find out what is making our clients feel that way, and not just figure out what's happening, but to create a strategy that still allows for the growth they want.
When we are new in business, we're typically playing several different roles like: accounting, running the business, sales, quality control, etc. It is always a good idea to take a minute and ask yourself: What can I do to further my growth?
In the Medspa Accelerator Podcast, we always say that you need to work ON your business instead of work IN your business.
There are always two realities in business: The actual reality and the reality you want to be in. Being overwhelmed can often happen because you know that you need to do things that move you from the reality that you're in to the reality you want to be in, but you wonder, “Where do I start?” “what should I prioritize?” “How can I organize my business?”
If you want answers, listen to what the experts have to say in this episode about helping you and your business grow even when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022

Adding financing and payment options to your business is a great way to help your current and future clients attain your services. However, it can be a very overwhelming process if you don't know what options you have and how you can get started. Join us during this week's episode where we discuss what you really NEED to know about financing and the 4 methods you can use to get started!
Cherry Financing

Thursday Mar 31, 2022

What are strategic partnerships? In this episode, we talk about a different strategy to increase your lead acquisition methods. With strategic partnerships, you can find a win-win-win situation in which you can grow your business by spending NO money on advertising.
During this week's episode, we talk about how you can leverage strategic partnerships to grow your business. We discuss how you can craft this strategy with three different partner structures, and how to leverage a partnership to help you GROW your business.
If you've never heard of strategic partnerships, don't know where to begin looking for partners, or how to set it up for success, listen to what our hosts have to say. So, grab a pen and paper and get ready because we are sharing some tips and tricks to get you started.
If you want more information about strategies for Patient Acquisition, Competitive Advantages, and Growing your business please SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT CALL with our team


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